Welcome to Trainwrecks, a free-to-read fiction serial that follows a group of six Seattle-adjacent friends from the year 2004 to the year 2015. Join Luna Cruz, Sebastian Velasquez, Dimitri and Victoria Hale, Duke Kingston, and Jasmine Nolan as they stumble their way from adolescence to adulthood, falling in love, making mistakes, overcoming their pasts, and staying together through it all.
For series introduction, character profiles, relationship charts, and general orientation, check out the Table of Contents!
Author’s Note: The mid-week chapters are epistolary, meaning they are written in the form of AOL messenger chats, text messages, and eventually, other social media posts. Screennames are fairly intuitive, but feel free to check out the characters’ profiles for their online handles.
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | S1 Week 1 Bonus Story
September 1, 2004
Moona: Happy Wednesday!! Everyone’s invited to our house Saturday night for some good old-fashioned video games! ^O^
Dimwit_Genius: Joke’s on you, I was going to be there anyway.
Moona: I meant Duke, Victoria, and Jasmine, you freeloader. >__>
Sir Duke: Have you even gotten any better at Smash since the last time we played?
Seblasquez: She hasn’t.
Moona: Thanks a lot Seb! D8<
Victoria: Oh, I don’t really play video games…
Smooth Jazz: It’s okay Victoria, neither do I. We go for the company.
Smooth Jazz: And to watch Luna talk smack before she gets destroyed.
Dimwit_Genius: It’s tradition, really.
Victoria: I’ll have to ask my father.
Dimwit_Genius: Nonsense! I’ll just kidnap you and leave a ransom note. Dad’ll love that. <3
Seblasquez: Mom’s ordering pizzas but if you guys want to bring any other snacks, feel free.
Smooth Jazz: Count me in.
Moona: Yay!!!!
Sir Duke: Do you really have to invite her royal highness? I got enough of her at lunch.
Moona: Uh, yeah. She’s one of us now.
Sir Duke: Says who?!
Moona: Says me! Sorry if you thought “our house, our rules” was a democracy.
Sir Duke: You’re lucky I have nothing better to do.
Moona: You love me. :D
Victoria: Thank you for the invitation to your house. My father says I can stay until ten.
Moona: Of course! You guys live in Seattle proper so it’s kind of a long drive for you.
Victoria: Should I bring anything?
Moona: Just yourself is fine!
Moona: And by the way, Duke is sorry about hitting you with the door.
Moona: He won’t say it with his face or his words but he’s sorry. Really.
Victoria: I appreciate that, but I would rather hear an apology from him.
Moona: I was afraid of that. ;w;
Victoria: What does ;w; mean?
Dimwit_Genius: Heeeeey Jazzy-poo <3
Smooth Jazz: What do you want
Dimwit_Genius: Just seeing how your first day of school went~
Smooth Jazz: Uh huh
Dimwit_Genius: You know, if there are any subjects that seem like they might be too difficult for you
Dimwit_Genius: it’s okay to ask your betters for help.
Smooth Jazz: I’m blocking you
Seblasquez: Have you decided what we’re doing Friday night?
Dimwit_Genius: Yes. We’re going to church with your family.
Seblasquez: Good one. What are we really doing?
Dimwit_Genius: Whatever you want, handsome.
Emoticon Legend for Emoji Users:
^O^ = a smiling face with an open mouth
>__> = a side-eyed glance
D8< = an angry face with an open mouth
:D = a smiley face
<3 = a heart
;w; = a crying face with a squiggly mouth