Welcome to Trainwrecks, a free-to-read fiction serial that follows a group of six Seattle-adjacent friends from the year 2004 to the year 2015. Join Luna Cruz, Sebastian Velasquez, Dimitri and Victoria Hale, Duke Kingston, and Jasmine Nolan as they stumble their way from adolescence to adulthood, falling in love, making mistakes, overcoming their pasts, and staying together through it all.
For series introduction, character profiles, relationship charts, and general orientation, check out the Table of Contents!
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Text Conversation Between Luna Cruz and Jasmine Nolan
September 2, 2004
Luna Cruz: R Seb and Dimitri going out
Jasmine Nolan: Not that I know of
Luna Cruz: Oh
Jasmine Nolan: You’ve noticed it too then
Luna Cruz: I figured maybe he would have told u something
Jasmine Nolan: Dimitri would never date Seb
Luna Cruz: U think so?
Jasmine Nolan: He never dated me when he had the chance.
Jasmine Nolan: I do think Seb likes him but I don’t think he’s gay
Luna Cruz: Is that even possible??
Jasmine Nolan: You really need to get out more.
Dimwit_Genius: Ugh don’t tell me you’re the only one online.
Sir Duke: You don’t HAVE to talk to me
Dimwit_Genius: You’re right! I don’t!
Dimwit_Genius: Buuut I could use a distraction.
Sir Duke: You must be desperate
Dimwit_Genius: Heroin craving
Sir Duke: Oh shit
Sir Duke: Uh
Sir Duke: You listen to that Killers album yet?
Dimwit_Genius: I did. I keep meaning to give it to Luna to give back to you.
Sir Duke: Heard Somebody Told Me on the radio the other day. Told you guys they were gonna blow up
Dimwit_Genius: You do have an unnatural talent for knowing which bands are going to make it big.
Dimwit_Genius: Ever tried gambling?
Sir Duke: I’m 14 asshole
Dimwit_Genius: I was doing worse things than gambling at 14.
Sir Duke: And now you’re stuck talking to me because of it, but do go on about how fun it is to do illegal shit
Dimwit_Genius: My head hurts too much for this…
Sir Duke: So what’s your sister’s deal
Dimwit_Genius: Depends on what you mean.
Sir Duke: Her going apeshit at the drop of a hat?
Dimwit_Genius: She has ADHD
Dimwit_Genius: Trouble regulating her emotions, bothered by certain textures and sounds, hyperfocused on the piano, etc.
Sir Duke: Oh shit
Dimwit_Genius: She doesn’t like being that way. You should cut her some slack.
Sir Duke: Maybe after she apologizes.
Dimwit_Genius: By the way, you wouldn’t happen to be… attracted to her in any way, would you?
Dimwit_Genius: Think she’s cute?
Dimwit_Genius: Hot even?
Sir Duke: Hell no
Dimwit_Genius: Okay good just making sure.
Sir Duke: You feeling any better yet
Dimwit_Genius: Sort of. Might be able to sleep now.
Sir Duke: Good. I’ll be up if you need to talk to someone
Dimwit_Genius: Think I’ll just play TOWERS
Sir Duke: K den
Sir Duke: But still. I’ll be here.
Author’s Note: TOWERS is a fictional MMORPG in the vein of World of Warcraft, referenced here because it’s a main feature of another novel I’m working on. “K den” is island slang for “OK then”.
The next bonus chapter, “An American Dream: Part 1” will be out on Friday 9/13 for paid subscribers only. If you would like to receive four bonus stories each month, you can upgrade to paid for $5 a month or a discounted price of $50 a year. Your paid subscription will be reinvested back into the series in the form of art and promotion.
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Good man, Duke